Template for Practicum Placement/Site Descriptions

Provide description of Externship:

COVID Updates: Please use this space to describe any changes that your site has made in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Are students seeing clients in person with PPE? Are students working remotely? How is individual and/or group supervision conducted? How about didactics?

General information about externship site:

Director of the Program:
Training Director, (degree):
URL for Externship Brochure:
Length of externship (in months):
Start Date:
End Date:
How many hours a week are expected of extern?:
Specialty tracks:
# of externs to be accepted for 2019-20:
Minimum level of readiness (any prior experiences or level of training required for applicants:
Do you provide a stipend? If so how much?:

Interview process (provide information about interview process- time frame, how decisions are made) Also, do you conduct individual and/or group interviews; case presentation, other information?:
What application materials are required (i.e., cv, transcript, how many reference letters, case summary, test report, other?:

Intervention and Assessment:
Intervention training experiences offered: Estimate average number of individual patients that students will carry; estimate number of groups and other types of interventions. Offer description: 
Assessment training experiences commonly offered. Describe: 
Expected number of full assessment batteries completed during externship (defined as administration of a battery of standardized tests): 
Estimate # of integrated assessment reports per year: 
If offering Rorschach, which scoring systems used: 

Estimate hours/week of individual supervision: 
Estimated hours/week of group supervision: 
Estimated hour/week of didactics: 
Estimated co-therapy hours with supervisors: 
Context of didactics (seminars, Grand Rounds): 
Estimated informal open door “curbside” supervision: 
Describe direct supervision: 
Specify if observation occurs during intervention, assessment, consultation (audio, video, live in person (in treatment room, one-way mirror, live video stream):